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PONTON is a software company providing standard-based solutions for B2B processes in the energy industry. PONTON implements B2B integration projects using its own software products Ponton X/P for peer-to-peer messaging with end-to-end-encryption, and Ponton X/D and E/A for Enterprise Application Integration. In 2016, PONTON pioneered the application of blockchain technology to energy trading, first with the Enerchain project, which saw the first wholesale trade of energy via blockchain in Europe, and as a recipient of a NEW 4.0 research grant from the German ministry of economics and energy. PONTON extended this approach with projects such as Gridchain. In the blockchain space, PONTON uses its own WRMHL framework. Since 2000, PONTON has been a key enabler of XML-based global B2B networks. This started with papiNet, consisting of more than 70 paper manufacturers, logistics providers, printers and publishers automating processes such as order, delivery, and invoicing across the supply chain. Starting in 2004, hundreds of wholesale traders of energy and commodities such as utilities and banks organized in the EFETnet consortium have begun using Ponton-built software to automate their trading and settlement processes including deal confirmations. Since 2012, a big part of PONTON's work with EFETnet has been focussed on regulatory compliance under Dodd-Frank, EMIR, REMIT, ElCom, FinfraG, and MiFID II. In addition to its product-based offerings, PONTON also offers services such as: - Development of individual software applications - Maintenance, support and customizing of their products - Consultation on the implementation of their products